Laptops and Viagra.
So the link posts, because I still read news :-D.
But One news ( won't provide links today for a change) have upset me quite bad.
Well, it scared me.
recently, a tabloid type newspaper carried on its frontpage that Mumbai saw a 20-25% rise in infertility owing to three main reasons, namely
- Using laptops
- Taking hot water bath
- Stress
Worrying isn't it?
Even more worrying is the fact, I have all the above three.
Ok, leave out the stress part. Lucky that I don't get stressed easily eversince I worked under that sleazeball Boss a few years back during my internship, who suddenly decided to be my enemy because a lady colleague of mine who also happened to be my classmate didn't fall for his dirty workplace tricks, and he blamed me for it, somehow. Long story cut short, He made my life hell, and it is still a running joke back in campus. After him, everything seem a cakewalk. So lets leave out stress, anyway I am always cheerful. And my boss is as crazy as me..
BUT I still take hot water baths even in Mumbai... I guess, I have to try cold water from tomorrow.
And ah!! the amount of time my laptop spend on my lap, my lazy ass on bed, has raised many a jealous eyebrows. I have even named my lappy as Aishwarya... But then it looks as beautiful, if not better. Abhishek, watch out..
But After the news I guess I might have to buy one of those lead jackets that are used in XRay clinics to prevent rays, because putting a pillow under it as I am doing now to won't be of much help other than preventing from having a burnt thigh.

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Hey relax!!
Remember the hullabaloo over the rays emitted by cellphones that were supposed to cause brain tumours? (Later it was said the studying team did not follow proper procedures)Well, laptops could not be worse, could they? These studies are never conclusive, as the mobile phone case study showed.
And generations of Europeans have been taking hot water baths over the centuries, I don't know if their declining population can be attributed to that or family planning. The operative word is "hot", like water with clouds of thick steam coming from it, blinding you totally, not the lukewarm variety Indians generally use. No need for COLD water baths, gently lukewarm will do.
In any case, too much heat or radition, whether laptops, or UV rays, or X-Rays, or North Indian summers, is always damaging. Laptops are damaging over periods of prolonged use, 'cause they emit heat. So if you are one of those game freaks who competes with online gamers all night long..well..
The important thing being- body temperature should not rise 2 degree above normal.
The only real danger is stress (especially caused by capitalist amibitions :)), and pollution and chemicals.
Ms. Aishwarya Lappy is soooo beautiful. Sigh!
What is Ash doing with mince??? Even I have heard about the travails of a guy with a lappie. So watch out or no more Anthony Juniors !!!!
Now you have got me worried...
hell no :) I dont trust these studies anyway.. their objective is to come up with a result which is sensational
uh oh!!!!!i'm worried.
pretty laptop ;) uhhh everything seems to cause something nowadays
thanks CG, but I still don't trust cell phones, not the studies.. the studies might have been flawed the hypothesis or the premise was quite logical.
@ Silverine: Sob Sob, mera santaan!!!!
@ Nirav, it is not the studies butas I said the premise on the which the studies were based. You just won't pick up laptops or warm water as the subject for cause if you didn't have some reason.. that itself worried me.. Its not the statistics that worries me...
@ Dwaipayan.. Hmm yeah... better watch out lol
@ Visthra: Thank you Mme, and yeah you r so true.. Wisdom ;-)
good one tony. CG above has also written answers for ya queries.
I agree with Aishwarya bit totally. I was doing it the other way around. I was referring to "her" laptop as my laptop's laptop.
You've turned in to a many u eva sleep??
or u just blog??
great...get that lead's to future little anotonys ruling the blog world :)
hey anthony..why the silence for 2 days!!!!!!!
Anyway..Doctorsaab from TCP also told me about this fertility/infertility thing. I am planning to use my laptop as a pillow..then whatever comes out of my brain will be called "infertile imagination" :-) Jokes apart, it's scary when you think about such "side" effects bang in the "center"
@ Hul: Thx buddy
@ Hiren Shah: Good one haha
@ Arz000n.. Cumon i haven't blogged for 2 days lol..
@ Aqua: thansk Aqua.. i will do that lol
@ TCP: Yaar, kaam tha.. Couldn't open the blogger account lol.. had to take some sessions and all so mostly i was in the Con room.. lol and night are late.. my cook blog is up though lol.. i had lots of drafts
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