Sunday, May 20, 2007

Moving to own Domain??

Been thinking of moving to my own domain, and publish using wordpress for sometime now.. OK why I haven't been posting too often.. I have spending most of my waking hours at work place... and Blogger is not accessible.. and general lethargy too..

A new domain might break the inertia, and motivate me to start posting again. I do have a blog domain, that I registered. I wanted a couple of Like Minded Happy People to start posting. The idea was too if I could have that as a separate blog. Well, it grounded after a few weeks..

I am planning to blog there full time.

Lets see..

The Stock market's been hot Like crazy..
I am making money on good stocks and losing on speculative derivatives.
How many times have I told myself that if there were even 1% luck factor, I would be unlucky...

Despite getting good returns on things I am certain about, the Uncertain never ceases to tempt me.

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