Steve Irwin's Death claims Stingray's Lives

Crocodile Dundy Steve Irwin's Fans Seem to be taking out a Vendetta Againts all Sting Rays. 10 Stingrays have been found to have been Killed since the Death of Steve Irwin when a Stingway fatally injured Steve Irwin during one of Escapades, which went fatally wrong.
AP report: At least 10 stingrays have been killed since "Crocodile Hunter" Steve Irwin was fatally injured by one of the fish, an official said Tuesday, prompting a spokesman for the late TV star's animal charity to urge people not take revenge on the animals.
Irwin died last week after a stingray barb pierced his chest as he recorded a show off the Great Barrier Reef.
Stingray bodies since have been discovered on two beaches in Queensland state on Australia's eastern coast. Two were discovered Tuesday with their tails lopped off, state fisheries department official Wayne Sumpton said.[source]
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