Thursday, September 29, 2005


Two months in my new Job and i still haven't got bored. Wow.'
Maybe because i am still at staying at the guest House
Hopefully, I should be shifting this weekend if i don't go on Pune trip.
Work front, so far so good.
And even better to see that there are quite a number of advertisements for my domain Expertise.
Cool, my domain in suddenly HOT..
If only I knew 2 months back, I could have negotiated like D Trump.. Alas!!!

My Mom talked to me the other day and she wants me to learn to SAVE some too.
She said, SONY has cut 10000 Jobs.
Told me, "Beta, You can't trust the private companies.
Only Yesterday Sony has told that they will cut 10000 Jobs.."
She seem to be watching a lot of business news, now that both his Sons won't do a Govt Job.
She even once told me that Govt Servants get pensions.Moms.....
She still wishes that at least one of his two sons should have had a secure JOB.

At the hindsight, she wasn't so wrong.Economy is doing right, everything is going fine, USA is outsourcing, Few economies are in reccession..But one never knows, most of the job that have been created in India has been fueled by the Outsourcing boom..And because of the boom, jobs in thousands have been created and because of those Jobs, Purchasing power have been Increased and thus fueling other Pockets of the economy.If one thing goes wrong, maybe there could be a reccession again. eh!!!Shiva Shiva..
Then Mom would say, "didn't I say????"Yes Mom you did.
I will see if I can save any money, or better still with all the MNC banks after my back for a personal Loan and Credits cards, maybe I will take a hell lot of Personal Loan if i smell a reccession.They can't do anything if i don't have a Job :-).. afterall in a reccession everybody is suppose to lose some..
Love you Maa...
read more at my diary

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Saturday, September 17, 2005

New templete

I am still writing at my old Blog . Just reminded myself that old is gold and gave my old blog a Brand new face lift instead of troubling to shift everything here.. Visit my Diary

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Tuesday, September 13, 2005

Awright come to my original blog instead

I actually started this blog again as a tribute to my first blog which I started Long time back. But, I had started another at rediffblogs, because it was an Indian site I wanted to add another number to the page views and registered users for Rediff. Don't our websites deserve more. We have all the software engineers, but most sites are not Indian. It was my logic. maybe, or maybe rediffblogs was simpler, to me at least.

And then one fine day, i was on the sizzling blogs list on Rediffblogs. Me happy, and i parmanently shifted to rediffblogs. somewhere down the line rediffblogs wasn't so sexy afterall, but instead of moving the whole blog i thought I will copy whatever i wrote on rediffblogs to this, so the name anthonysmirror.

Well its it happening.. so well if you happen to stumble on this blog come to my Diary

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Thursday, September 01, 2005

A plastic story

Plastics or polybags have been banned in Mumbai.I don't know how they are going to sell packaged Milk or meat.And Bread, will they start using those greased paper.. I don't know if they have exclusions.I bought some bananas yesterday and i had to carry it "as it is".. .Plastics are so convinient, but then i have never been a great fan either..

The various plastics manufacturer's organisations put up a Full page ad on the economic times today.. they are crying foul coz the Maharastra Rulers have made them a scapegoat.. Coz the recent Floods might have been caused sewage blocked by plastics pollutants. They claim only 1% solid waste is plastics, and it was not plastics that caused the floods but the other 99%. Maybe true.

My Views:Been a long time I have voiced my views. Lack of time, targets, corporate etc etc. Well today i am bit tired after reading all the work related documents..i will let my mind wander to plastics..

I am sure they are right when they said that only 1% solid waste is plastics. And why not, plastic is so thin, if you presses them into a ball, the poly bag you used to carry 2-3 kilos of your grocery will be hardly the size of a peanut. The plastic manufacturers cried that its just a matter of 1% and the sewage was clogged by the other 99%. They didn't mentioned that most of the 99% might be degradable.. so it is more likely that the 1% waste have been staying for a long time and will add up to the next years sewage worth of 1% while parts of the other 99% might have been scavenged by ragpickers-animals-bacteria and other microbes in the pecking order.

The consortium said that, plastics makes life much easier, so much more convinient. Very true, i agree, why else would i use it despite having learnt in School and reading many a times that Plastics is Non-Biodegradable and once manufactured remains on the earth surface for a few generations. They also said that they are preserving the forest by providing with a substitute for forest products. they will preserve the forest till the land is so full of plastics, the forest will suffocate to grow trees. There are bamboo plantations in many parts of the country which are burnt to make way for new crops because the bamboo could not be harvested for lack of demand, logistics being another problem.Do i see the making of a lobby, not unlike the Tobacco lobby of the USA, in the consortium.

Yes plastics might have constituted only 1% solid waste, but it can hold solid waste many times its size. It would surprise me that 30-40% of the 99% solid waste are not held together by plastics. A small polybag which might be less than a gram or a little more have many a times clogged my bathroom drainage. 1% of solid waste is a huge number, not forgetting the fact that the othet 99% might mostly be easily degradable waste. Throw your leftover od of dals and vegetable and rice tied in a polybag and the polybag would be much less than 1% of the whole assemblage. Like I said my views.. critics are welcome, if they are productive otherwise criticism is the easiest time-pass and need no brains.

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