Porn banner Ads on Rediff
Look carefully, it looks like two girls engaged in a mouth-to-mouth resuscitation, but none of the two seemed to have just been drowned, so I would think it was an ad from a lesbian site, keeping in mind the caption also which says "College Girls Are more fun". When I clicked the banner, it returned a site called perfspot.
I would like to think that the ad server is the url, served the ad by mistake, but Rediff should take a stern action against such an advertiser.
The post was not written with a intention to trash Rediff, and I respect rediff a lot, but they should be more careful about their advertisement partners.
Unlike the late 90's dot com boom, when websites that sprung up with advertisements as the sole source of revenues failed miserably, leading to a recession that extended to the whole IT industry, there are many dot coms today that are not only sustaining, but making profits on online ads alone. And there are thousands of ad servers and advertisement solutions company today that provides, online advertisements starting from PPC, CPM ads, CPAs, and affiliates.
PPC or Pay per click is the most popular today with company like Yahoo and google providing Pay per Click advertising, where they serve what is called contextual advertisement [I use google PPC advertisement], wherein google or yahoo will serve text based advertisement which are relevant to the content. Advertisers will pay google everytime someone clicks on the ad, and google will pay the website owner that money after taking its cut.
CPMs are impression based where advertisers pay the website based on how many times the ads are served on the website. These are basically the banners ads which is the point of the post here today. Many Banner ad solutions provider don't accept porn ads, so I was surprised when rediff show such a banner ad. These comapnies surely pays a higher CPM or cost per impression, eg when a clean banner ad would pay 100 rupee per thousand visitors, a banner ad that allows porn might give a higher payout of 120 rupee.
But I am sure rediff won't want to squeeze all it advertisement space to the extent of serving porn ads. What next? Adult friend finder affiliates?
The said banner ad would surely offend a lot of regular visitors to Rediff.
Here is the link to the ad, this is a referral link, but this is the link that served that ad .
And here is the LINK to the page which served the porn banner ad. I got a Jeevan Sathi dot com advertisement the second time.
Click on the picture for larger picture
Labels: advertising
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Similar advertising occasionally appear on other leading sites too. But as long as the money keeps flowing in, people don't mind much.
I know that similar advertisements do appear, but it is not right. not on a mainstream website man, It was quite shocking, Looks like they are whoring....and the banner kept jumping giving the whole picture a very funny effect
I have seen this ad. on many sites in India. This ad. is being served from an ad network called komli. This ad network has no regard to the users and is just out to make money by publishing such ads. It is unfortunate that a site like rediff continues to use komli inspite of porn ads being served
wow what a find. Did you se it just once or does it appear regularly?
Hmm..I got a AAA Texas ad !! Interesting!
Did you by any chance try complaining to Rediff or bring it to their attention?
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