Friday, November 11, 2005


I usually post something nice, something personal most Fridays.
Anyway, for this weekend, ponder over this.
Continuing on my post on God and the coincidences that formed the universe and a crazy little thing called Life, let me relate this to Space and Time.

Space has always been fascinating to me. Not much of astronomy but of space.
I still remember when I used to gaze at the stars and wonder what might be there about a few billion light years away. Ever wondered about this?
There was this friend called Momon who was equally crazy about space.
He was a very good mathematician too until his father forced him to study medicine.
Last time I went to his place, he looked like a happily married doctor and looked like he have surrendered to faith.

“A men does what he has to do until his destiny is revealed to him” – The last Samurai

I am also nowhere near those childhood passion. Or maybe it was just a passing thought.
But I believe the answer to the whole mystery that surrounds life lie with Space. I won't even say the Universe, Universe sounds more like a Cosmic stadium than the infinity that it really is.

Yes the Universe is Infinite. Any body want to sue me for that? There is no end, and if there be an end then that end also starts somewhere but will never end. Well, there is no end. Then imagine the possibility that the seemingly simple and Arithmetic sounding word Infinity throws up. If there is no end, then it is possible that you start at one point of the Universe, err, Space and go towards any direction till all the coincidences that made up Life is found at one point. Therein lie all the answers. Unravel Space and Time and we will have all the answers.
Somewhere at some infinite distance, you will see that atoms have joined into molecules and into complex amino acids and where there are all the ingredients to form life some infinite time away. And by that same logic, there has to be not one but infinite number of life forms in one form or the other, isolated from each other infinite light years away. Just because we haven't built the Mechanism to space travel in light years per second ( which is Physicsically not even possible), we might never know or maybe we will know after an infinite number of years in some distant universe where we are reborn.

By that Logic, are God time travelers. And since God haven't visited earth for a long time since the days of the Mahabharata, are they in some other universe, waging war with demons.
This are just my thoughts, and not some ideas plagiarised from God knows where. For once I didn't Google since Infinity is a number much larger than Google.
Just a little gyaan, to ponder... over the weekend mug of lager.
Read the previous post on God @ Gods must be crazy
Also read this over the weekend. Some people found it very amusing.
Why do I watch movies Alone?

Update 1:
Google adsense doesn't allow porn ads, but porn operators have found a way around it. Advertise a regular web, say about spammers or tips about blogging or lower your mortgage and then link it to the porn site. More here.
Update 2:
Singapore blogger gets endorsement deal, It's stale news but read anyway.
Her blog has more than 20,000 visitors a day. And her blog also has a nice post, firing someone for misquoting her. TTG you are not alone.
Update 3: A search for "Against rebuilding of New Orleans" on google threw up my post on earthquake. Since my view was not about helping the earthquake victims and more to do with the causes and prevention, very few people read that but It was a very important message I wanted to convey. Please read and judge for yourself "Bush wants to Rebuild New Orleans but has he even mentioned anything about stopping pollution. His rebuilding efforts will only generate pollutants that might be enough to cause another Katrina. Read more.
And, the google search result is here.

PS: links related to previous post
Desipundit, Ravikiran, TTG, Blogswatch,Vulturo, ~River~, Varun, IndiaDaily, Urs truely.

Latest update:

Do a search for IIPM on blogger-search show four of those IIPM-student and alumni blogs (like realiipm,iipmindia which came up suddenly during the Gaurav Sabnis/Rashmi Bansal fracas) in the top, yes top as in literally top, above the normal search results. But there is also iipmexposed which seem like a plant to me though? Is it because of the fact that the bloggers have written the keyword IIPM once too repeatedly, or they are heavily crosslinked (technorati shows about 30+ links for one of the blogs and the word IIPM repeated many times). Why is it they appear like sponsored result separately above the normal results and highlighted, like the ones that appear on yahoo as paid results? I thought if any of the more tech savvy bloggers would do a little probe. Here is the link to the search result. And a snapshot is below.


Update: Blogger search results are based on keywords, and top results are shown separately and the above resulting blogs have the keyword repeated many time .

Read more!

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Blogger Enemy of the Republic said...

You have a point about the porn advertisers.

I read your link on "Why I See Movies Alone" Half of the time no one wants to see what I like, and I agree, talking is annoying. The last movie I saw alone was called, I believe, "The Ballad of Jack and Rose" with Daniel Day Lewis. I couldn't have handled that film in the presence of another.

But I plan on seeing the new Harry Potter with people.

Great blog. I'm glad I visited. I'll be back!

11/11/05 6:32 PM  
Blogger Admin said...

Welcome aaaa! Enemy of the republic, not the best sounding names in a while lol, yeahj thx for visiting..

11/11/05 6:46 PM  
Blogger Hul said...

good one...some thing i read at a single strech on your blog.
Quote "some distant universe where we are reborn" - why some distant universe...probably next time you will be reborn as an Ant getting crushed by your grand children as kid play. Hmmmm..i wish i ll be reborn as .... an Ant in a sugar factory.

12/11/05 12:23 AM  
Blogger Admin said...

oh even that is a possibility... we just have to wait a few infinite years..

12/11/05 12:39 AM  
Blogger Navjot Kashyap said...

I had the same passion like you in universe and space. Read a lot of books & collected data too.
But, as with your Doctor friend, I became a nerd & somewhere down the line the interest got lost. :-(

12/11/05 2:31 AM  
Blogger Admin said...

What r u doing this late at night..

12/11/05 2:57 AM  
Blogger anantha said...

anthony: Could it be that these few blogs at the top have the most instances of the term "IIPM" apppearing in the same page? Just a guess...

12/11/05 11:07 AM  
Blogger Admin said...

i was just wondering how come highly linked blogs like gaurav's rashmi's and desipundits's didn't come before that..

12/11/05 12:57 PM  
Blogger Jyotsna said...

I agree with you here that the Universe is truly infinite..
Thanks for dropping by! :)
am no wordsmith,just a rambler

12/11/05 3:04 PM  
Blogger Kaps said...

Singapore blogger XiaXue has been the subject of criticism bcoz of her view that able people can use toilets earmarked for disabled people.

13/11/05 8:16 AM  
Blogger Admin said...

@jyotsna..u do ramble good though..
@singapore.. most of her other views too, it is her darkish sense of humour.. and she gets 25000+ hits a day haha..

13/11/05 9:23 AM  

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