Lucy Gao or Lucy Gaolia?

Lucy Gao a Citigroup Intern had her 5 minutes of fame, or defame, when she decided to ORGANIZE her 21st birthday in the literal sense.
We have heard of that Miser Lawyer, a high law firm lawfirm partner, who sent an email asking for Reimbursement of laundry bills, after a clerk spilled sauce on his trouser, and the email spread like wildfire.
In another case, a lover boy Joseph Dobbie expressed his love and asked Kate for a Coffee in a very romantic mail which also got circulated all over the net.
Lucy Gao didn't know about those stories perhaps when she sent out an immaculate email on how the guests should behave in her party to the last details.
Well, the email got circulated, and picked up by the newspaper(What a Silly gao).
LUCY GAO, wherever you are, call. No one is angry. We’re just all laughing
at you. She is a young — oh, is she young — intern at Citigroup who has
enlivened the dog days of August in the City.
Her stupid e-mail, detailing
the plans for her 21st birthday party last Friday, is doing the rounds of City
banks, with appropriately derisive comments. Lucy is something of a control
freak, and her friends are instructed to arrived in groups at properly staggered
15-minute intervals to ensure sufficient face time with the princess.
They are given a strict script to adhere to on arrival.
“When asked, how can I help you Sir/Madam, you reply, I am here for Lucy’s
birthday party at the Rivoli Bar.” Dress smart — “the more upper-class you
dress, the less likely you shall be denied entry”.
And a Blog dedicated to Lucy Gao.(Photo courtesy )
The story has also been picked up by other famous bloggers like Loic lemeur and Dealbreaker.
The email is here,
Dear Friends,
Thank you for all your replies and I am glad all of you can come this Friday to celebrate my 21st with me. Please read ALL the following to ensure your entry into the Ritz.
Lucy's 21st Birthday Party at The Ritz Hotel London
Friday, 18th of August 9pm Champagne Reception 10pm Photo Shoots 10:30pm Blowing Candles
Mid-night Pangaea, Mayfair
I have arranged the Ritz to host a Champagne Reception with a selection of Ritz Champagne for all my guests, this will be on me so please come and indulge.
A specially made birthday cake has also been ordered and the Ritz waiters will kindly serve you each a generous slice with Ritz cutleries, etc...also on me.
INSTRUCTIONS FOR ENTRY: * When you arrive, take the Hotel entry on the opposite side of the Green Park tube station [Please refer to your arrival time at the end of this email] * When asked "how can I help you Sir/Madame?", you reply "I am here for Lucy's Birthday Party at the Rivoli Bar" * You will be escorted to the lounge area next to the Rivoli bar, where you will hopefully see a gorgeous group of ladies.
If you experience any issues getting in or getting to the Ritz, please call my mobile on 07782 205 450 and my PA Ms Gill will kindly deal with your queries between 8:30pm to 10pm.
STRICT DRESS CODE: Gentlemen: Jacket, shirt, and please also bring a tie (no jeans, trainers, flip-flops, polo-shirts) Ladies: skirt/top, cocktail dress (no denim, min-skirts, flip-flips, bad tastes) Advice 1: It goes without saying that the more upper-class you dress, the less likely you shall be denied entry. Advice 2: Photos will be taken between 10pm to 10:30pm, and these will be distributed once processed, therefore you may want to be well-groomed! ;)
Finally... I will be accepting cards and small gifts between 9pm to 11pm...
I very much look forward to seeing you all at the Ritz this Friday.
ARRIVAL TIMES: [Please stick to these as best as you can, thank you] 9:00pm: Lucy, Sophie Sandner, Kajai, Mandeep, Preet, Sanami, Su, Lisa, Kate. 9:15pm: Phoebe, Sophie Seugnet, Theo, Dmitry, Ed, Nikolay, Paul, Nick, Harry. 9:30pm: Marco, Andrea, Jess, Ovi, Yuki, Olga, Kim, Marcelo, Ulyana, Krystal, Dan. 9:45pm: Sunita, Alan, JingJing, Emma. 10:00pm: Anthony, Rachel, Roger, Uli, Yogi, Gharzi
Lucy Gao
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