iPhones trademark Infringement battle

The iPhone trademark is owned by Cisco. We (Cisco) had hoped to reach an agreement to share our trademark with Apple, yet they decided to use the name without our agreement, so we, unfortunately, are having to go to court to stop them from using the name. John Earnhardt, Senior Manager of Policy Communications for Cisco Systems. [via: Siliconvalleywatcher]
Steve Jobs said that they were in talks with Cisco about the trademark, when they decided to go ahead with the launch of iPhone. Seems like the talks weren't going so smooth.
Since Cisco was the first the park the domain, oops, trademark, iPhone, despite everyone talking about iPhone for the past 2.5 to 3 years. Well iPhone had to be the obvious sister for iPod, and even before Apple said anything about it, everybody assumed that it won't be long before Apple came out with the iPhone. Only, the name was spoken for .. and no, apple doesn't hold the trademark rights to i+*wildcard* and Cisco was lucky. They have the trademark since 2000 when acquired a company called Infogear technology, which had developed a product that combined web access and telephone. .
But it so reeks of domain parking. I rather start registering iCar, iShoes, iCondom eh...
Not that there is anything wrong, but Cisco had to know that iPhone is a trademark apple would want, though for no obvious reasons, or is it obvious?So much for iPhones. I definitely would love one though.. Wouldn't they tie up with airtel or something? The price might seem steep to a rich American, but not to a yuppy new age middle class Indian. We have been paying as much for every new Nokia releases.
Hey Steve, the iPhone would be such a killer here in India. Tie up with Airtel, we will get it from the grey market. Screw Cisco.
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