Live and let live
No wonder many Millitant outfits wanted to be reffered to as Millitants and not terrorist.Perhaps, They knew better.
Innocents have died, but in a state at war, innocents have always died.
But we are hardly at war? Then why the killings?
What does an innocent shopper have to do with Kashmir or islam for that Matter?
There was a time when I used to think that there must be some truth to the cause, when someone is ready to die for the cause. Nobody would be willing to die for a cause that is not worthwhile. Nobody would be willing to strap a belt full of plastics if the cause was not worthwhile. But seeing where they are going, I have slowly realised that they are bunch of demented minds.
No, No cause is worth a human Life. And no cause is worth a thousand human lives. These are nothing but craziness.
They have been thoroughly brainwashed by a select few who enjoy the perks of power.
Are they willing to die, I don't think so. But of course, they would say who would be leading if they were to die. Good excuse.
In the end, who dies, the innocen victims and the terrorist at the bottom of the food chain. They die to get to heaven quick, where virgins are waiting for them. So much for a cause. They are filled up with so much lies, they become willing to die and to kill. When someone is filled with so much, the lie becomes a Truth to Him. That is what is happening to the youths. Like the adage, hate the sin not the sinner. The perpetrators are not even sure what they are doing. They only follow orders, the famous nazi excuse.
But when I say, hate the sin and not the sinner, I am not being very compasionate with the sinners. These are no petty thieves, but killers and willing to die doesn't Give any men the right to Kill. But then it would be much wiser to look at the root of the sin and try to uproot it. By violent or peaceful mean whichever is sucessfull. Running after a few bombers and suspects will not be a solution.
Pre emptive strike is not the solution. Premptive strikes will only breed more terrorists. They must be dealth with at the grassroot. Priority should be stop breeding further terrorist and not breeding more like in Iraq. Iraq has bred another generation of terrorist. Does India want them too. Why don't we do anything. Why don't we Uproot the fanatics, negotiate what the poor sections want. Just because a group demands something with force doesn't mean they must be wrong. One men's terrorist is another's freedom fighter. Even India had its own Bhagat singh and Jatin. Are we so big now that we won't listen and only heal the symptoms and not the desease. We need much more than immediate measures, we don't want a war, we don't want security beef ups but we want parmanent solutions. Instead of targeting the bombers, find the leaders. Take more drastic measure. Give education to the poor, catch them before the madrassas catch them, give them jobs. Don't start a war with the terrorist. Solve the problem instead. War have never solved a problem, less so if the enemy is invisible.
Solving this kinds of problems need a lot more than politics.
If the govt knows how to solve the problems and if they are not doing it, then the govt is as much responsible for the killings as the terrorists are.
Live and Let Live.
Happy Diwali Friends.
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